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Diamonds are formed under high heat and pressure underground and come to the earth's surface as a result of volcanic eruptions. Diamond is a mineral composed of pure carbon. The carbon atoms in diamond are tightly bound together. A large amount of energy is required to break the bond between diamond atoms. The bonds that hold the diamond together are strong covalent bonds.



Therefore, diamond is the hardest of all minerals and is resistant to wear.
Diamonds are formed 160 to 480 km below the ground. Most of these are found in a volcanic rock called kimberlite and are mined in areas where volcanic activity is still common. Other diamonds are left unattended from their original kimberlites. Diamonds are mined in twenty countries around the world. South Africa currently ranks fifth in diamond production after

Australia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Botswana and Russia.
Due to its atomic and molecular structure, diamond exists in crystalline form. Crystal shapes in which diamond is found in nature:
6-pointed octahedron
8-pointed cube hexahedron
12-pointed dodecahedron

Of these, the octahedron is the most abundant form of diamond in nature and the most suitable for cutting.

Diamond Shapes

Diamonds can be cut in a variety of ways. But the shape of a diamond should not be confused with its cut. The shape can be considered as the main form of the diamond. For example, we can say oval, drop, marquise. It can be meant by cuts or measurements. Cuts other than round are often called fancy cuts.

Princess, emerald and radiant cuts are the shapes that show less wastage of the rough diamond and show its interior and color more with its wide table. Diamond cut shapes that are more wasted than raw diamonds and that hide their interior and color more with its sparkle are round, triangular, oval, drop and marquise cuts. The shape of the diamond that reflects the most light is round, which is perfectly symmetrical.

Diamond and Diamond

The raw state of the diamond before it is processed is called diamond. Diamond is one of the hardest known materials and a precious stone. One modification of the element carbon is graphite, and the other is diamond. Diamond is the oldest of the precious stones. Most diamonds are at least 100 million years old. It has been determined that the most precious diamond was formed 3 billion years ago in the fire-scorched depths of the earth. Diamond is very hard. No other natural substance can match diamond in hardness. It is 2000 times harder than ruby ​​and sapphire, and 3000 times harder than man-made synthetic stones such as cubic and zirconia.

After the diamond is cut and processed, it turns into a diamond. Diamond is the name given to the “Brillant” cut created by Marcel Tolkovski in 1919. In this cut, the light is refracted within the stone and reflected back, giving it an extraordinary fire and brilliance. In the brilliant cut, it is possible to obtain many different shapes. However, the round cut with 57 facets is the most used cut. Facet is the name given to angled surfaces that reflect light.

Anatomy of the Diamond

The part above the arch is called the "Crown". There are 33 facets in the crown part. Since the number of facets in the crown part is high, more reflection and brightness is observed in this part.
The “arch” section can be natural, polished or faceted. Belt thickness affects the brilliance of the diamond. A diamond with a thick belt looks more matte, while a diamond with a thin belt is not resistant to setting. The belt is an important part that keeps the diamond intact.

The section under the arch is called the “cone”. There are 24 facets in the cone section. The cone section allows the light entering the diamond to reflect out. If the cone is cut at the right angle, the light that enters the diamond is reflected and comes out of the crown. Thus, the optimum brightness of the diamond is achieved.
Sometimes a facet can be applied to the tip of the cone. With this facet, damage to the tip of the cone, which is the most sensitive part of the diamond, is prevented. Although it is the hardest mineral in the world, a diamond is vulnerable to impact from certain directions and can break quickly.

Diameter is the size of the diamond's belt from one end to the other. Depth is the height of the diamond from the plate to the tip of the cone.

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